stay smile and i like just the way you are..yeess its lahhh..huhu yes you, the cute2 one..heee and i admit i like you just the way you are..i can't text you, call you, communicate with you every time or all the time but i can promise you i'll try to make it everyday..a text from you even its little, it may create a smile on my face could make unique beats at my heart..i don't know why i can't move on but one of the answer is would be is hard but it is wonderful..teach us many may keep my words even it is old but its new thing to remember everyday..even you face a lot of situation that would make you sad or happy just remember im trying to always be with you..but Allah always be with you..the doa everyday will always for my family, my life, my friends and also its for you.. - you life long lover -
" Ya Allah, jika Engkau takdirkan,
dia untukku,
dekatkan hatinya dengan hatiku,
peliharalah hati kami. "
" Ya Allah, jika Engau takdirkan
dia bukan untukku,
maka janganlah Engkau jauhkan hati kami,
peliharalah hatinya,
kuatkanlah imannya,
cekalkan emosinya,
tabahkan dia,
berikanlah dia kebahagiaan,
dunia dan akhirat,
ukirkan senyuman dihatinya serta wajahnya, "
heyy you miss D..stay smile, stay nice, sabar and may Allah always bless you dear..
spread salam, spread smile =)
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